The Singles

The Podcast

Found Way Inside

Text by Avalon Brantley, performed by Paul Jones …

“Heaven’s Hill” Soundtrack

by R.B. Russell

This is the soundtrack composed and performed by R.B. Russell for his novel “Heaven’s Hill”, published by Zagava Books. …

“La Gloria” by Eric Stener Carlson

performed by Eric Stener Carlson

“I was inspired to write ‘La Gloria’ ten years ago, while living through the flu epidemic in Argentina. Like today, I was quarantined with my family in our apartment. The streets were empty, the …

“Dungeness Blues” Jeremy Reed and Derek Jarman

performed by Jeremy Reed

In “Dungeness Blues”, the wonderful Jeremy Reed pays homage to Derek Jarman (1942-1994), one of the most influential filmmakers, authors and artists of post-war Europe. Itchy Ear composed wonderful …

Charles Schneider reading „The Meerschaum Pipe“ by L.A. Lewis

“The Meerschaum Pipe” by L.A. Lewis

performed by Charles Schneider

“L.A. Lewis never doubted the existence of demonic creatures and elements on the other side of the ‚web‘ which divides the astral from the physical. Some of these monstrous gremlins and evilly …